Delivery and Payments:
The price of the product is valid for all buyers. All prices include VAT. The prices are valid at the time of ordering and do not have a predetermined validity.
Despite tremendous efforts to provide the most current and accurate information, pricing information may not be accurate. In this case, or if the price of the item changes during order processing, the supplier will allow the buyer to withdraw from the purchase, and at the same time, the supplier will offer the buyer a solution that will bring mutual satisfaction.
Terms of order and delivery:
The sales contract between the bidder and the buyer is concluded at the moment when the bidder confirms the order (the buyer receives an email with the status “Order confirmed”).
Free delivery for orders over 80.00 EUR
Sending orders from a logistics center in Kamnik, Slovenia.
Ugears models are created and manufactured in Europe: Kyiv, Ukraine.
The contractual partner for the delivery of parcels is Post of Slovenia, but the contracting parties reserve the right to choose a different delivery method if this allows the order to be fulfilled more efficiently.
Most parcels in Slovenia are sent or delivered the next day after order (D + 1), but not later than within four working days (D + 4).
Safe payment on delivery, you can pay for the purchase upon receipt of the goods by mail.